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As a parent of an autistic child, you may look for a better way to support your child. This year you may have been struggling, as many parents have with changes in your life, your school and your life, but feel there is something missing.

You may feel that your child is ready to realise more of their potential. However, poor language understanding and distressed behaviours are impeding your parenting and helping them to progress. 

You may search for techniques that actually work on the internet, with books and with other events. However, you may feel that you're not getting that missing piece that really helps you in your parenting and supporting your child to progress. 

Some challenges you may experience as a parent could be...


✓  My Child’s Inability To Tell Me What Is Going Wrong And What They are Feeling 

✓  Know When To Discipline And When To Support My Child

✓  How To Help My Child Deal With Anxiety And Sleep Issues

✓  My Child’s Inability To Communicate And The Lack Of Support

✓  How Best To Support My Child’s Needs For A Calm, Engaging And Integrated Experience

✓  My Child’s Self-Injurious Behaviors And Sensory Pain Seeking When In Distress

✓  Feeling Helpless

✓  The Lack Of Understanding Towards Autistic People

✓   “Challenging” Behaviours

 ✓ The Lack Of Support And Resources

✓  My Husband’s Lack Of Support And Understanding

✓  Trying To Support My Child During Everyday Transitions

✓  Anxiety With Child Around Routines 

✓  Helping My Child With Their Behaviour

✓  Managing Verbal Outbursts 

✓  Communication Of Feelings, Needs And Desires Of My By Child

✓  Teaching My Child To Communicate In A Way That Works For Both Of Us And Helping Them To Control Their Anxiety

✓  Meltdown Strategies 

✓  The Lack Of Understanding Of Autism

✓  My Child’s Loneliness And How That Impacts On Their Mental Health

✓  Not Being Able To Communicate Verbally With My Child

✓  My Child’s Way Of Interpreting Situations

✓  Other People’s Attitudes

✓  Not Understanding What My Child’s Thinking

✓  Sensory Issues

✓  Not Understanding What My Child Needs If They Can’t Communicate

✓  Self Regulation And Social Skills

✓  Helping My Child Build Confidence

✓  My Child's Understanding Of Language

✓  Not Being Able To Know My Child’s Needs

✓  My Lack Of Knowledge Of Autism

✓  My Lack Of Finding Ways To Help My Child With Communication 

✓  My Child’s Lack Of Focus And Timing and Having To Repeat Things Over And Over

✓  Aggressive Behaviour Both Verbally And Physically

As a parent, if you feel challenged or struggle with some or any of the above, this year’s autism conference, Autism: Beyond Limits ~ Powerful strategies to support autistic children and adults to thrive will offer you practical strategies, helpful tools and actionable insights to support you and your child.

At this year's conference you'll learn:

✅ Practical Strategies And Interventions To Support Individuals Overcome Sensory-Perceptual Difficulties

✅ Why ‘Challenging’ Or Distressed Behaviour Occurs

✅ How To Reduce Your Own Stress And Move Away From A Crisis

✅ How To Know When Miscommunication Is The Source Of Misunderstanding, Conflict And Distress, And What To Do About It

✅ How To Interpret What A Person's Behaviour Is Trying To Tell You

✅ How To Recognise Some Of The Underlying Causes Of Anxiety Of Your Autistic Child And What You Can Do To Support Them

✅ Practical Ways to Reduce “Challenging” Behaviours In A Safe Way ​​​


✅ How Inclusive Environments Support Autistic Children and Adults To Live Well By Minimising Anxiety, Stress And Distress

​✅ How Teaching Your Autistic Child Using Their Strengths And Interests Maximises Their Wellbeing

✅ How To Create Engagement Through Interest-based Learning And An Inclusive Environment

✅ Practical Strategies To Help Your Autistic Child And Your Family Reduce Stress

✅ How To Reduce Sensory Overload for Your Autistic Child

After attending this year's online conference, you will have learnt ways to: 

Increase the quality of life for your autistic child 

Increase your peace of mind and happiness for you as a parent 

Solve daily problems that may occur

Improve your child’s independence, life skills and self-sufficiency 

Communicate with your child effectively 

Improve your communication abilities between you and your child 

Build a stronger bond with your child

Improve the growth and development of your child on the autism spectrum 

Increase the opportunities for your child to lead a productive, stimulating and independent adult life 

Prevent your child’s frustration with communication difficulties from turning into behaviour of concerns 

Help your child thrive from an early age 

Build your child’s independence and quality of life 

Improve the quality of life for both your autistic child and your family 

Reduce stress in your family 

Improve outcomes for your child in areas such as nonverbal and verbal communication, behaviour management and parent-child engagement 

Have more enriching interactions between you and your child

Help your child better understand and manage their emotions in various environments 

Increase your child’s chances to be the best version they can be in the world 

Increase the social development of your child so they can interact with peers and build friendships 

Improve your own mental health by decreasing stress, depression, anxiety, anger, guilt and stress

And Much More...

To learn these strategies, interventions and resources, join this year's Online Autism Conference, Autism: Beyond Limits ~ Powerful strategies to support autistic children and adults to thrive, to support you, your child and make a difference with their lives!

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